Calendar of medieval Bosnia
August 29, 1189 – Ban Kulin’s charter was issued.
October 11, 1200, Pope Innocent III’s letter to King Emeric inviting him to destroy the heretics in Bosnia.
April 8, 1203 – meeting at Bolino Poilo, Bosnian Christian elders promise to abide by the orders and commandments of the Roman Church
April 30, 1203 – at the court of King Emeric, Kulin’s son and the envoys of the Bosnian Christians swear that they will fulfill the obligations they accepted at the council held in Bolino Poilo.
June 5, 1232 – Pope Gregory IX orders Kalocsa Archbishop Ugrin and Zagreb Bishop Stjepan to investigate the serious transgressions and sins of Bosnian Bishop Vladimir.
February 13, 1234 – Pope Gregory IX orders all the archbishops in the Bosnian area that he has learned that the number of non-believers has multiplied in Bosnia and the surrounding provinces, that the whole country is already full of them.
March 22, 1240 – Ban Ninoslav arrived in Ragusa accompanied by his noblemen. Then he issued a charter of peace and love to the Ragusans.
March 29, 1248 – Bishop Filip of Senj received permission from Pope Innocent IV to use the Glagolitic alphabet.
May 8, 1287 – Ban Prijezda issues a charter on the transfer of Zemljanik county to his daughter and son-in-law.
July 23, 1290 – Pope Nicholas IV’s letter addressed to “noble husbands Stjepan and Prijezda, bans of Bosnia.”
April 7, 1299 – ban Pavle Šubić issues a charter in which he is called ban of Croatia and Dalmatia and ruler of Bosnia
June 11, 1302 – Mladen I Šubić issued a charter to the people of Split for services rendered, giving them the freedom to allow their merchants to trade under his rule in Croatia and Bosnia.
February 21, 1305 – ban Pavle Šubić issued a charter in which he is called “ruler of all Bosnia” for the first time.
July 18, 1319 – a letter from Pope Ivan XXII to Mladen II Šubić, in which he states how he found out that Bosnia had fallen into such disbelief due to the negligence of the governor, that the churches there were neglected, the clergy were eradicated, the holy places of Christ were mocked, the cross was not respected, there was no communion, and baptism was even unknown in some areas.
June 5, 1325 – Pope John XXII’s letter to King Charles II that he had learned that a large number of heretics had come to Bosnia from several countries. He claimed that the heretics had misled many souls, he ordered the Hungarian king to eradicate that plague from Bosnia so that it would not infect the healthy sheep and spread to nearby provinces. On the same day, he wrote to Bosnian ban Stjepan II that he found out that he was faithful to him and the Church, and that he was trying to persecute heresy.
On June 12, 1326, Prince Venerio of Trogir sent a letter to Bosnia addressed to “the noble and powerful lord Stjepan, the free ruler and sovereign of Bosnia, Usora and Soli and many other places and the prince of the Hum region.”
On October 23, 1332, the charter of Ban Stjepan II was issued to the Ragusans.
February 15, 1333 – Ban Stjepan II issued a charter to the Ragusans regulating the sale of Ston and Prevlaka.
May 22, 1337 – Pope Benedict XII calls for a crusading army against Bosnia and the surrounding areas.
October 7, 1339 – Ban Stjepan II granted freedom to the merchants of Trogir so they could come and go from his land and trade gold, silver, copper, wax and hides.
June 20, 1353 – wedding of Elizabeta, daughter of Ban Stjepan II, with Hungarian King Louis I in Buda.
September 28, 1353 – probably on this day Ban Stjepan II Kotromanić died.
February 13, 1355 – ban Tvrtko issued a charter to the Ragusans in front of the Bosnian bishop Peregrin and other church dignitaries
September 1, 1355 – ban Tvrtko issued a charter to the Ragusans in Visoko, which confirms the old rights and freedoms they enjoyed during the time of his uncle Ban Stjepan.
March 14, 1356 – Ban Tvrtko with his brother Vuk and mother Jelena in his court in Neretva issued a charter to the Ragusans confirming their old privileges for the second time and guaranteeing their merchants protection and freedom.
March 14, 1357 – Ban Tvrtko issued a charter to Grgur and Vladislav, the sons of Pavle Hrvatinić and Grgur Stjepanić, lords of the towns of Greben and Glamoč, in which he promised to confirm their heritage (baština) possessions if they submit to him.
September 7, 1364 – Ban Tvrtko, his brother Prince Vuk and mother Princess Jelena were accepted together with their future descendants as Venetian citizens.
August 11, 1366 – Ban Tvrtko in his charter highlights the merits of Duke Vukac Hrvatinić in the great conflict against the Hungarian king Louis I.
August 11, 1366 – Ban Tvrtko issued a charter rewarding Vukac Hrvatinić for his faithful service by gifting him the county of Pliva with the town of Sokol.
June 1, 1367 – Ban Tvrtko solemnly entered Ragusa, accompanied by numerous noblemen.
December 8, 1374 – the wedding of Ban Tvrtko and Doroteja, daughter of the ruler of Vidin Ivan Stracimir, held in the place of St. Ilija. The wedding was performed by Bosnian Bishop Petar.
October 26, 1377 – coronation of Tvrtko I Kotromanić.
April 10, 1378 – King Tvrtko I sent the famous charter to the Ragusans in which he explained the circumstances of his coronation.
August 27, 1386 – Battle of Bileća between Bosnian and Ottoman armies. The Bosnian army won, it was led by the famous military leader Duke Vlatko Vuković from the Kosača family.
June 15, 1389 – Battle of Kosovo between the united Slavic rulers and the Ottomans. King Tvrtko I, Duke Vlatko Vuković, also participated in this battle with the Bosnian detachments
August 1, 1389 – Tvrtko I sent a letter stating that “the enemy of the Christian people and the true faith, the infidel Murat, who has already conquered many nations and who has already begun to disturb his country… after he came with his two sons and his Turkish followers, he fought with them on the 15th of June and with the help of God’s hand, he held a victorious battle, overcame and brought down the captives to the ground, so that few of them survived , of course with some loss of mine, but not many.”
October 20, 1389 – Florentine authorities respond to the letter of King Tvrtko I who informed them about the Kosovo War. With this letter, they congratulate him with the words “May the Kingdom of Bosnia, which was given such a glorious battle and win such a victory with the right hand of Christ… Your Majesty is the happiest of all, who was crowned with such a glorious and unforgettable victory and to whom God reserved the true and endless glory, as we believe that he has prepared the kingdom of heaven for the true soldiers and heroes of Christ.”
December 10, 1389 – the Bosnian army defeated the Hungarian army in the battle near the town of Vrana
December 15, 1389 – Klis surrendered to the Bosnian king Tvrtko I.
June 8, 1390 – Tvrtko I issues a charter to the towns of Split and Trogir, which had surrendered to his authority just before that.
June 11, 1390 – Tvrtko I issued a charter to the town of Šibenik, which had surrendered to his authority just before that.
July 23, 1390 – Tvrtko I issued a charter to the people of Brač, immediately after they recognized his authority, and with this document guaranteed and confirmed the freedoms they enjoyed earlier.
April 15, 1391 – Nobles Sanković, led by duke Radič, sold the Konavle county with Donja Gora and the town of Sokol to the Ragusans.
May 15, 1391 – Radič Sanković issued a charter from his court “in Zaborah” to the Ragusans, giving them the freedom to trade on his territory.
April 25, 1391 – King Dabiša confirmed with his charter the old rights and privileges granted to the people of Trogir by his predecessor, King Tvrtko I.
June 1, 1391 – Venice appointed King Dabiša as its citizen.
June 17, 1391 – King Ladislaus of Naples appointed Duke Hrvoje and his brother Vuk Croatian-Dalmatian bans.
April 15, 1392 – King Dabiša described the recent victory over the Ottomans in his charter. In this charter issued in Sutjeska to Duke Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić, the heroism of this Bosnian nobleman during the conflict with the Ottomans is mentioned.
July 17, 1392 – King Dabiša issued a charter in Lušci in Donji Kraji, which confirms to the Ragusans the privileges they were granted by the earlier Bosnian rulers.
July 13, 1393 – Venice appointed Duke Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić and his brother Vuk as citizens.
August 23, 1393 – Duke Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić issued a document declaring his loyalty to King Sigismund of Hungary and Queen Mary of Hungary, and accepted the provisions of the Treaty of Đakovo, according to which it was agreed that Sigismund would inherit the Bosnian crown after Dabiša’s death.
September 7, 1395 – King Dabiša died in Sutjeska.
November 24, 1395 – a Hungarian report made on this day states that King Sigismund set out for Bosnia, where King Dabiša died, to take over the land according to the provisions of the Treaty of Đakovo. According to the report, Sigismund learned that the Bosnian nobility was trying to take over the kingdom.
May 13, 1397 – Queen Jelena issues a charter to the Ragusans on the abolition of certain customs duties near Ston and Slano.
March 23, 1397 – The Ragusans inform the Bosnian nobleman Prince Pavle Radinović that they have accepted him as a citizen of Ragusa.
January 15, 1399 – King Ostoja was in Usora in Lišnica with his army, from where he issued a charter. He was then preparing for a conflict with the Hungarian king Sigismund. With this charter, Ostoja defined the parameters of the sale of the Bosnian coast from Kurilo to Ston to the Ragusans.
February 5, 1399 – Queen Kujava, wife of King Ostoja, is mentioned for the first time.
June 10, 1399 – The Venetian authorities appointed King Stjepan Ostoja as their citizen.
April 26, 1399 – an envoy from Bosnia arrived in Ragusa, bringing the news that Ostoja had been crowned king of Bosnia.
December 8, 1400 – King Ostoja issues a charter in Sutjeska, in which he gave Duke Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić and his son Balša the town of Livno with the entire county, its surroundings and tributes.
May 13, 1402 – the authorities of Trogir and Šibenik make a decision to accept King Ostoja as their ruler.
March 13, 1403- The Ragusans promised Prince Mirko Radojević that, with the Byzantine emperor, who was thought to be visiting Ragusa soon on his way, they would do everything to free the captured Bosnian nobles who were then in Constantinople from slavery.
January 7, 1404 – King Ostoja issued a charter by which he reconciled with the Bosnian nobleman Pavle Klešić. On this occasion, the king undertook to return to him his town in Glamoč and everything that belonged to him in this place and in Duvno. The djed and the strojnici of the Bosnian Church appear as guarantors of reconciliation.
January 15, 1404 – a charter of alliance was drawn up between Duke Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić and the Ragusan authorities against King Ostoja.
April 22, 1404 – the king of Ostoja issued a charter of freedom of trade in his country to Venetian merchants. This move was directed against the Ragusan merchants with whom the Bosnian king was in conflict at this time.
August 3, 1404 – the Venetian authorities included the new Bosnian king Tvrtko II Tvrtković as a Venetian citizen with sons and heirs.
June 24, 1405 – King Tvrtko II issued a charter to the Ragusans confirming the previous privileges they had from his predecessors, the Bosnian kings and bans.
July 3, 1405 – the Ragusan authorities appointed the Bosnian nobleman Prince Vukac and his brother Duke Sandalj as nobles and councilors of Ragusa, gifting them a house in Ragusa. On this occasion, they also received some possessions in Primorje and a promise that in case of any trouble, they would be welcomed in Ragusa with their families.
August 26, 1406 – King Ladislaus of Naples issued a charter in which he acknowledged the Bosnians’ useful assistance regarding the acquisition of the Hungarian crown and confirmed the Bosnian borders “as they were during Ban Kulin”.
September 15, 1406 – King Ladislaus of Naples rewarded Duke Sandalj Hranić by giving him Drežnik, Cetin and Slunj.
September 15, 1406 – King Ladislaus of Naples rewarded Duke Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić by gifting him the county of Vrlika with towns Prozor, and Zrinj.
March 23, 1407 – King Ladislaus of Naples rewarded Duke Sandalj Hranić Kosača by giving him Ostrovica and Skradin.
June 24, 1407 – King Sigismund states in his charter that he is raising an army “against some of ours and our kingdom’s rivals, that is, the Bosnians”.
June 27, 1407 – King Ladislaus of Naples issues a proclamation to all authorities in Hungary, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia and Bosnia that they must obey Herzog Hrvoje as his governor.
September 13, 1407 – King Sigismund was with his army under Bobovac trying to conquer one of the most important Bosnian cities. During that time, he was ill, and the Ragusans offered him their doctor, stating that “the interest of all Christianity is related to his health and survival”.
December 23, 1407 – the Venetian authorities appointed Bosnian nobles Prince Pavle Radinović, Juraj Radivojević and his brother Vukić with their sons and descendants as their citizens at the initiative of Bosnian King Tvrtko II and Herzog Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić.
On October 18, 1408 – a report was made by Peter of Buda about Sigismund’s campaign in Bosnia, where it was stated: “The Lord King subdued the unfaithful and unruly people of the Bosnian kingdom, he killed with the sword outlaws of both sexes, adults, young men and old men from all parts of the Bosnian kingdom, he demolished the fortresses and turned the cities into nothing, and now he is returning triumphantly to his Hungarian kingdom.”
December 28, 1408 – King Ostoja, after his second accession to the throne, issued a charter to the Radivojević nobles. In the charter, he stated that for their faithful service, during the time when he was exiled, and for their help in the appointment to the position of king, he gave them Omiš with the coast on both sides of Cetina to Žrnovnica, Gorska župa, the town of Kruševac and Blato, County Lučka, customs under Viseća, county Večenica to Neretva, town of Imotski with county Imot and Posušje, town of Drvare with county Radobilje, counties Podsušje Rakitno, Drežnica, Planina, district Krajina from Neretva to Cetina.
December 4, 1409 – King Ostoja, together with his wife Kujava, confirm to the Ragusans the privileges they had from his predecessors.
August 24, 1415 – The Ragusan deputy, Ivan Gundulić, reports on the events that happened a few days earlier in Parena Poljana near Sutjeska during a Bosnian assembly. Gundulić points out that King Ostoja, Duke Sandalj Hranić and Duke Vukmir Zlatonosović gave orders to their men during the morning ride to kill Prince Pavle Radinović and capture his son Petar.
March 5, 1419 – King Stjepan Ostojić issues a charter to the Ragusans confirming the privileges and benefits they had during the reign of his father, King Ostojić, and his other predecessors, kings and bans of Bosnia.
June 24, 1419 – Bosnian nobleman Duke Sandalj Hranić Kosača issued a charter at Stjepan Polje to the Ragusans regulating the sale of his half of Konavle.
June 30, 1419 – Ragusan authorities appoint Vuk Hranić and his son Stjepan Vukčić as their nobles.
August 18, 1421 – King Tvrtko II Tvrtković, on the occasion of his second accession to the royal position, issues a charter to the Ragusans confirming the privileges they had from his predecessors.
December 21, 1422 – King Tvrtko II Tvrtković issues a charter under Visoko to the Venetians that regulates the position of their merchants in Bosnia.
April 27, 1424 – a letter from the Ragusan authorities to the Hungarian king Sigismund of Luxembourg in which they say, among other things: “These are the news about the Turks: Isak, the Turkish duke, with a large Turkish army in the past few days entered Bosnia and plundered some lands of Tvrtko, the Bosnian king. As that Bosnian king was provided with an army, he could not cause him much damage, but he took as much loot as he could and left Bosnia with it.”
January 31, 1427 – Bosnian nobleman Grand Duke Radoslav Pavlović issued a charter to the Ragusans confirming the sale of his part of Konavle, for which he received an annual income of 600 perpers. On this occasion, the Ragusans gave Radoslav a house in Ragusa.
March 25, 1433 – peace was reached between the Bosnian nobleman Grand Duke Radoslav Pavlović and the Republic of Ragusa. This peace ended the War of Konavle, which was fought from 1430 to 1433.
March 15, 1435 – Bosnian nobleman Grand Duke Sandalj Hranić Kosača died.
December 20, 1435 – a Franciscan in his letter to King Tvrtko II Tvrtković pointed out: “This king is only superficially Christian, has not been really baptized, and has prevented the friars from baptizing his people in every possible way. Because Manichaean heretics live in that country.”
January 25, 1436 – King Tvrtko II Tvrtković issued a charter in Stolni Biograd accepting all Bosnian Franciscan monasteries under his protection and granting them privileges to spread the Catholic faith in Bosnia and to baptize and convert residents of both sexes to Catholicism.
November 22, 1443 – the Ragusan authorities in the council decide to draft letters for Duke Stjepan Vukčić Kosača, Duke Ivaniš Pavlović and other Bosnian nobles to express their condolences for the death of King Tvrtko II.
December 5, 1443 – the Ragusan authorities respond to the new Bosnian king Stjepan Tomaš through his deputy who brought the news to Ragusa about the accession of the new Bosnian king.
April 15, 1444 – King Stjepan Tomaš issued a charter to the Venetians in Jajce. With this charter, he granted them freedom to trade duty-free in their lands and on the Neretva and other rivers, with compensation for any resulting theft or robbery. He promised on this occasion that he would soon start minting his own money, which will be in circulation throughout Bosnia, and if he does not do so, that Venetian money will be valid in Bosnia, just as Ragusan money is.
June 3, 1444 – King Stjepan Tomaš issued a charter in Bobovac stating: “I, Stjepan Tomaš, king of Bosnia, announce to all whom it concerns, that since the throne of our Bosnian kingdom after the death of the glorious memory of the bright Stjepan Tvrtko, the last king, our dear uncle, was vacant, and after his death and according to his decree, I remained the lord of the towns and crown estates of the same kingdom.”
September 3, 1444 – Pope Eugene IV writes to the administrator of the parish church in Glanesko in Prussia “that the Bosnian king has returned to the right path of the Christian faith”.
May 25, 1445 – Pope Eugene IV writes to the Bosnian king Stjepan Tomaš “since you ascended the royal throne, you have preserved yourself as a Catholic ruler, pure and unsullied from the vixen’s and deceitful cunning and the pestilential hypocrisy of the heretics, who have already ruled the said kingdom for a long time.”
May 29, 1445 – Pope Eugene IV sends a letter confirming the election of Stjepan Tomaš as King of Bosnia and declaring him the legitimate heir of King Stjepan Ostoja, that is, accepting him from the Church’s point of view as Ostoja’s son from a legitimate marriage, even though he was not.
July 30, 1446 – Pope Eugene IV writes to the Hungarian bishops and nobles that King Stjepan Tomaš has finally “become a Catholic Christian” and recommends that they take the king and his subjects under protection.
August 22, 1446 – King Stjepan Tomaš issues a charter to the sons of Duke Ivaniš Dragišić, with which he gives them the town of Ključ and other places.
November 11, 1449 – King Stjepan Tomaš met with the Ban of Mačva, Ivan of Korođ, in Dobor. He reached an agreement with him according to which he would not betray the Hungarian crown or the governor Hunyadi János, he would not invite the Ottomans against Hungary or provide them with help, and that he would not provide transportation to the Ottomans residing in his territories starting from Drina to Ukraine. If such a large Ottoman army were to break into the Bosnian kingdom, and they could not resist it themselves and defend the crossing or ships from them, then they would immediately inform the governor or the Hungarian barons about it, and then they would do everything according to their orders.
March 25, 1452 – an agreement was reached in Vratar between the Ragusans and Duke Ivaniš Vlatković, son of Vlatko Jurjević, and his brothers and descendants. According to this contract, a joint appearance against Herzog Stjepan Vukčić was agreed. At this time, the Republic of Ragusa was at war with Herzog Stjepan over the possession of Konavle.
July 19, 1453 – a reconciliation was arranged between Herzog Stjepan Vukčić and his son Vladislav. Until that moment, Vladislav was part of a coalition led by the Ragusans directed against his father. On that occasion, Prince Stjepan issued a charter on the Pišća mountain in which he described the reconciliation with his son.
May 29, 1453 – Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople.
April 10, 1454 – Peace was signed in Novi between the Republic of Ragusa and Herzog Stjepan Vukčić, ending the war for Konavle that lasted from 1451-1454. In accordance with the agreement, all parties were returned to their pre-war positions.
June 3, 1456 – King Stjepan Tomaš sends a letter to the Venetian authorities. In the letter, he stated that “there has never been so much trouble or need to oppose the wicked desire of the Sultan, who wants to completely seize the kingdom from him. Although the king had so far appeased his gluttony with large sums of money, he is not content with that now. Instead, he is looking for four towns, so that he may more easily conquer the rest of the kingdom. One of those cities is Bistrica, a day’s walk from Split, Trogir and Šibenik, and also from Zadar. Think, says King Tomaš, what will become of Dalmatia and Istria if this kingdom falls? We learned about the sultan’s intentions from our friends, the sultan’s subjects, just as we were informed about Constantinople, and we reported it to you in time. Therefore, we ask for your advice and help. We are forced either to surrender the mentioned towns or to wage war against him, and both are difficult for us, especially if we do not hope for help from you and other Christians. Then we will have to surrender those towns. If we are forced to engage in war with the sultan, then we will have to destroy some towns and protect some. To guard them, we ask you for a few archers and weapons, because we don’t have any. Please be informed that if we lose this kingdom, your territory will not be left in peace as well.”
June 13, 1457 – from Dobor, the Venetian envoy informs his authorities with a letter in which he states that King Stjepan Tomaš told him that “the Turk considers this kingdom the main gate of Christianity and that a year ago he asked him for four towns of this kingdom, which, one might say, are its pillars, because two of them are in the middle of this kingdom, and of the other two, one is the key to Hungary, and the other to Dalmatia and Primorje. Seeing the Turk’s evil intention, the king delayed the resolution of this matter until now, and he gave him hopes and promises. At last, the matter has come to an end, and the king can no longer delay it. His Holiness decided to side with the Christians and rely entirely on the Pope and other Christians against the mentioned Turk.”
October 14, 1458 – King Stjepan Tomaš issued a charter in Žepče to Serbian logothete Stefan Ratković, with whom he negotiated the marriage of his son Stjepan Tomašević to Mara, daughter of the deceased Despot Lazar and Jelena. With this charter, King Tomaš donated the proceeds of a hundred houses on the territory of the Bosnian kingdom to Logothete Ratković.
November 30, 1458 – At the assembly in Szeged, it was agreed between King Tomaš and King Matthias Corvinus that the Bosnian heir to the throne would assume the title of despot and the role of ruler of the Serbian Despotate.
March 21, 1459 – Bosnian prince and heir to the throne Stjepan Tomašević took power in the Serbian Despotate and was declared despot.
April 1, 1459 – the wedding of Despot Stjepan Tomašević and Mara, daughter of the late Despot Lazar and Jelena, took place.
June 20, 1459 – Despot Stjepan Tomašević and his entourage handed over Smederevo to the Ottomans with guarantees that they would be allowed to leave the town safely with their property.
June 7, 1459 – Pope Pius II wrote in a letter to the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus: “We know what King Tomaš did against you and sinned against the general Christian cause. We also remember that they (Bosnian kings) asked for the same crown from our predecessors, but they never received it, and we, if we were to give it to them on any occasion, would not do it without your honor and knowledge, because you claim it for yourself.”
July 10, 1461 – According to chronicler Ivan Tomašić, King Stjepan Tomaš died.
November 7, 1461 – At the initiative of King Stjepan Tomašević, Pope Pius II proclaimed St. Gregory Thaumaturgus, patron of the Bosnian kingdom.
November 23, 1461 – King Stjepan Tomašević issued a charter to the Ragusans confirming the rights, privileges and benefits they had during the time of his predecessors.
May 19, 1463 – the Ottoman army led by Mahmut Pasha began the siege of Bobovac.
May 22, 1466 – Herzog Stjepan Vukčić Kosača died.
October 20, 1478 – the testament of the penultimate Bosnian queen Katarina was drawn up in Rome. In this will, Katarina expressed her wish to be buried in the church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli. With this testament, if her children do not accept the Christian faith during her lifetime, she would leave the Bosnian kingdom to the Roman Church. She divided her movable and immovable property that she had in Rome between the Bosnian nobles who made up her court in Rome. For funeral expenses, she left 200 ducats to the mentioned church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, as well as the royal mantle and silk altar cover.
October 25, 1478 – the penultimate Bosnian queen Katarina died in Rome. Buried in the church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome.
March 3, 1489 – Vlatko Hercegović Kosača passed away.
July 21, 1517 – Ahmet Pasha Hercegović passed away