This past weekend, the Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom and the City of Cazin hosted the Medieval Festival titled “Crown of Bosnia”. This event, held from July 25 to 27, 2024, gathered history, archaeology, and art enthusiasts, offering a rich program of lectures, book promotions, exhibitions, and presentations all centered around the medieval Bosnian state.

“Ideas are born, whether you present them to the masses or just one person, they continue to live and develop. The ideas we have been presenting for the second year in a row in Cazin at the Crown of Bosnia festival find strength and develop. The question of the day is when they will gain the strength to be accepted and when they will concretely come to life,” said Adnan Hajrulahović, head of the Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom, in his opening remarks at the “Crown of Bosnia” festival in Cazin.

The festival began on Thursday, July 25, with the opening of the first part of the “mediAEval” exhibition by Dr. Adis Elias Fejzić at Ostrožac Fortress, in the building of the Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom. The first day included lectures on the first Bosnian king, Tvrtko I, and the political life of medieval Bosnia, led by Dr. Dženan Dautović and Dr. Adis Žilić.

“The lecture on the political life of medieval Bosnia is compatible with previous ones about King Tvrtko. I presented the political structure of the country through the prism of the only social category that exercised political rights in the medieval era, which is the nobility. I focused on the relationship between rulers and nobility, the institution of the assembly through which the nobility articulated their interests, and the state structure of the estate monarchy. The presentation of Bosnia’s political development and the discussion that followed the lecture through interaction with an interested audience justify the holding of the Medieval Festival in Cazin,” said Dr. Adis Žilić after his lecture on the political life of medieval Bosnia.

“This year’s Medieval Festival in Cazin is a very well-organized event with diverse content tailored to different age and interest groups. The one-hour lecture format also proved to be a very useful option, as the audience followed two such lectures in a row without any problems and even had additional questions for the presenters. Congratulations and all the best until our next cooperation,” said Dr. Dženan Dautović after his lecture “The First Bosnian King Tvrtko I: From Myths to History”.

The second day of the festival was dedicated to archaeological research and anthropology, with lectures and a bioarchaeology workshop by Mr. Samra Terzić. On the same day, a book promotion of “Late Medieval Archaeology of BiH in Light of (New) Archaeological Research” by Dr. Nina Čuljak and Dr. Edita Vučić was held in the Cazin City Hall.

Dr. Edita Vučić, in her presentation, talked about recent archaeological research of late medieval sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She addressed the issues faced by the archaeological profession and the inadequate protection of archaeological sites, emphasizing the need to introduce changes in the educational process to preserve both tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
The Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom has the honor of being the publisher, together with the University of Mostar, of the book “Late Medieval Archaeology of BiH in Light of (New) Archaeological Research” by Dr. Nina Čuljak and Dr. Edita Vučić, which was also promoted at the festival in Cazin.
“At the Bones Record workshop, participants were introduced to the history of bioarchaeology, and then had the opportunity to learn about the basic procedures of bioarchaeological analysis on actual skeletal remains from the medieval Kicelj cemetery. These include arranging the skeleton in anatomical position and creating a biological profile of individuals, which involves estimating sex, age, and living height,” said Mr. Samra Terzić after the bioarchaeology workshop held at the Cazin Cultural and Tourism Center.

On the third and final day of the festival, visitors could enjoy the second part of the “mediAEval” exhibition and the promotion of the novel “Arije, the First Bosnian Grandfather” by Mr. Tahani Komarica, as well as a lecture on changes in the Bosnian language throughout history, led by Dr. Prof. Indira Šabić.

“mediAEval” is a dual exhibition of works from the cycle dedicated to medieval Bosnian art. One part consists of sculptures exhibited within the Ostrožac fortress, while the two-dimensional works are presented in the Cazin Cultural and Tourism Center. Adis Elias Fejzić, through this selection of works, represents his own artistic expression, bringing to life the artistic value that Marian Wenzel recognized as the ‘Bosnian style’.
“The source of art is an idea that, through media, is translated into the objective existence of feelings and concepts, and each consumer has the right to their personal interpretation. Arije, the First Bosnian Grandfather, is a historical novel that presents the idea of pure monotheism in conflict with political decisions on theological issues of a bygone era, but this conflict lives on today. It is an idea that has outlived both Arije and all the Roman emperors, political systems, and educational indoctrinations, and it will likely outlive us as well,” said Mr. Tahani Komarica, author of the novel “Arije, the First Bosnian Grandfather,” after the book promotion in the Cazin City Hall.

“The Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom and the citizens of Cazin prove that there are still those willing to give their time, knowledge, and insights to others, without expecting anything in return, just with love. In a place of diverse natural and cultural uniqueness, where Bosnia and Herzegovina is loved with a special intensity, now rightfully crowned by this festival, it was a pleasure to talk about language and meet sensible interlocutors concerned only with moral and identity preoccupations related to language and its evolution,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Indira Šabić after her lecture “The Rhythm of Change in the Bosnian Language from Antiquity to Today” in Cazin.

The festival was an excellent opportunity for visitors to connect with the rich history of Bosnia and Herzegovina and enjoy a diverse program that encompassed all aspects of medieval life. Cazin certainly marked a new historical chapter in the book that is still being written.

“We approached the whole project related to the Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom in Cazin with great enthusiasm and very seriously, and that energy has only grown over time. This year’s Crown of Bosnia Festival confirms this, and the content it offered is certainly a special foundation for new stories and projects through which we learn, consolidate, and confirm our history. I am extremely happy that we are presenting such significant and valuable content right here in Cazin,” said Cazin Mayor Mr. Nermin Ogrešević to the media at the Crown of Bosnia festival in Cazin.

In addition to excellent lectures, new acquaintances and collaborations were formed, and next year we can expect the promotion of new books and experts in the field of history, which, together with the Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom in Cazin, will bring many stories that will spread throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“The Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom operates in and from Cazin, bringing together historians, archaeologists, and artists, and serving as a meeting place. As a museum, we currently have five exhibitions in BiH. The permanent exhibition “Charters of Bosnian Rulers and Nobles” in Cazin in a large format, as well as a small-format exhibition in the enclosed space of the museum, then exhibitions at the fortresses in Srebrenik and Bobovac, and a guest exhibition at the Goražde Museum. This year alone, we have published two books. The book “The Bosnian Kingdom and the Serbian Despotate (1402–1459)” by Dr. Enes Dedić was published in January 2024 in English, as we are aware of how understanding history helps in the diplomatic mission of BiH. The archaeology book by Dr. Nina Čuljak and Dr. Edita Vučić, “Late Medieval Archaeology of BiH in Light of (New) Archaeological Research,” was recently published, and its promotion was held at the Crown of Bosnia festival in Cazin. I am very satisfied with the Crown of Bosnia festival that is behind us. The festival was experimentally held last year but this year it got its name Crown of Bosnia and its definition. I am satisfied with what has been done in the past two years that the Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom has existed in public. Much has been done, but much is still ahead of us. Our gratitude as the Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom certainly goes to the City of Cazin and Mayor Ogrešević for their support, without which we would not be where we are today,” said Adnan Hajrulahović, head of the Museum of the Bosnian Kingdom in Cazin.